Posted September 29, 2017 at 02:10 am

Behold. Our edgy son.

See you on Monday for the next Comic page!

And a little reminder-slash-announcement, y'all, as the month comes to an end! Our Patreon is back up over $1,000! So, bearing that it holds up when the pledges are processed at the beginning of the month, we'll be able to keep the double weekly Comic updates!

Thank you so much to all our lovely Patrons!!

If you haven't checked it out yet, now it's a great time to do so, as Patreon will charge you at the beggining of each month! We'll soon be releasing the Lives schedule for October, so if you were hoping to comission the girls for an illustrated story, or come to our NSFW $12+ Livestreams... and so many other goodies...

Please do check out our Patreon!

