Posted December 20, 2021 at 06:05 am

Dear readers,

This is the last comic update of 2021! Missing Moments will continue tomorrow through Thursday, and as of Friday, we'll be taking a holiday/chapter break and will return in the new year on January 10th!

We have lots in store for y'all, our dearest readers, in 2022. New adventures! A return to conventions and meet-ups (COVID willing)! New books and merch! Livestreams, chats, livewrites... and so much more.

2021 has been challenging for everyone. As ever, we appreciate your continued readership, your outpouring of support, and your love and patience. We wouldn't be here without you. On a personal note from me, Ash, I just want to tell you all... on the worst days, I see the messages you write to us and feel them the same way then that I might feel turning my face to the sun, warm throughout. Thank you.

Thank you so very much.

Still want a postcard? I'm still writing them! Message us at with your address to get one, and if you'd like to send us one too (we love getting letters!), here's our PO Box:

All our love,
Yamino and Ash
